Ukázka jak se s kyvadlem pracovat nemá

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Registrován: pon, 22. úno 2016, 17:45

Ukázka jak se s kyvadlem pracovat nemá

Příspěvekod ArMi » čtv, 14. dub 2016, 17:42

Před časem jsem diskutoval s Floxem o získávání odpovědí kyvadlem či virgulí a věrohodnosti získaných odpovědí.

Zaujala mě tato stránka:

Takto soudit lidi či politiky je mimochodem chyba a je to něco ve smyslu nesuď abys nebyl souzen. Další zajímavý jev je, že speciálně pod tímto článkem byla zakázána diskuse. Asi si autor o sobě myslí, že si létá ve výšinách a ostatní jsou úplní hlupáci a o jejich názory tudíž nestojí.

Velice nápadné je nízké hodnocení Putina, Trumpa, Zemana a na druhou stranu bohém Havel či Gorbačov, který se nechal západem zkorumpovat je vysoko přehodnocen. Mimochodem Gorbačov bránil perestrojce zuby nehty, ale situace nazrála natolik, že už transformaci SSSR zabránit nemohl. Na druhé straně Putin odmítl tancovat jak západ píská, dělá samostatnou politiku, a proto je považován za zrádce a zločince. Kdyby neměl naprosto dokonalou vizi, tak by konfrontaci se všemi nezvládl. Co se týče Trumpa tak tento člověk je na poměrně vysoké úrovni už proto, že nemá lidského ducha a je tzv. nepravým člověkem (dle W.Misteleho) - ovšem něco takového zjistit je nad možnosti autora této bulvární tabulky.

Autor této tabulky se pravděpodobně naladil na astrální pole a zjistil přesně to, co si o daných lidech máme v těchto zeměpisných šířkách myslet dle notiček z Bruselu. Egregor evropské únie je stále dost silný. Asi ani netušil, na co se vlastně napojuje.
RANSDORF (komunista) 20
ZEMAN (prezident) 30
SOBOTKA (min. před.) 50
TRUMP (kand. na prez.) 60
KLAUS (min. prezident) 150
OBAMA (prezident) 250
HAVEL (min. prezident) 480
Sv. VÁCLAV 590
Když jsem se autora zeptal, tak jsem dostal tuto odpověď:
Vážený pane.
Odpovídám na váš e-mail, který jste mi poslal.
V textu svého e-mailu se podivujete nad tím, jak jsem k daným hodnotám, které jsem uvedl, dospěl. V článku je ale velmi jasně uvedeno, jak se takové testování provádí, tudíž z něho i jasně plyne, jak jsem to provedl já. Je jasné, že jsem se zaměřil především na testováni stavu pravda/lež, protože jsem to považoval za prioritu. Stav testování vědomí má svá omezení a to především v úrovni testujícího. Proto jsem to až tak nerozváděl. Váš obdiv, plynoucí z e-mailu k politikům typu Putina a naopak odpor k Merklové svědčí o tom, že s nimi de facto souzníte. Tady tedy bude asi váš problém, protože se na svět nedíváte objektivně. Co s tím? Jednu radu bych měl. Přečtěte si uvedenou knihu a to pokud možno nezaujatě. Snad vám to pak bude jasnější. To je tak asi vše, co k tomu mohu říci. Jinak, pro vaší informaci. To, jestli někdo vidí auru, nebo třeba je schopen pomocí kyvadla či virgulí něco najít nebo zjistit, nic neznamená. On totiž pracuje pouze s astralitou. V uvedeném článku se ale pracuje s celkovým Vědomím, tedy s Myšlenkovým světem. A to je obrovský rozdíl.
S pozdravem
Antonín Mareš

Ta odpověď je skvělá podle hesla - podle sebe soudíš druhé. Sám tam nevědomě popsal co udělal za chybu - jenže tu chybu vidí na mě.

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Registrován: ned, 01. čer 2008, 17:50

Re: Ukázka jak se s kyvadlem pracovat nemá

Příspěvekod Jarda » pon, 18. dub 2016, 00:19

ArMi: Soudíš tímto příspěvkem druhé? :-)
Spokojený je ten kdo má splněné svoje potřeby. Šťastný je ten, kdo si to uvědomuje.
Nespokojený je ten kdo nemá splněné svoje potřeby. Nešťastný je ten, kdo si to uvědomuje. ;-)

Příspěvky: 207
Registrován: pon, 22. úno 2016, 17:45

Re: Ukázka jak se s kyvadlem pracovat nemá

Příspěvekod ArMi » pon, 18. dub 2016, 01:31

Do jisté míry. Ukazuji, že se někdo dopracoval k číslům, která jsou v překvapivé shodě s notičkami Bruselu, jak máme uvažovat o jistých lidech. Vypadá to velice podezřele vzhledem k mnoha dalším okolnostem. Vyložil jsem své názory a úsudek si už udělá každý. Mimochodem, aby nějaké sdělené/napsané informace přijal někdo druhý, tak je musí i on sám kriticky posoudit.
Pokud někdo argumentuje takto viewtopic.php?f=38&t=1361#p12701, tak znemožňuje zdravý kritický úsudek.

Třeba si zrovna ty z toho odneseš pravý opak a bude ti připadat, že jeho tabulka je naměřena velice přesně.

Mimochodem takhle člověka (zne)hodnotit na jedno číslo je velká nepřesnost sama o sobě. A to, co on napsal o mě, je hodnocení - z mého pohledu naprosto chybné. Opíral jsem se spíše o jisté informace z mnoha textů než o astralitu a souznění s dotyčnými.

I to, jak popsal Mistele Trumpa, je také hodnocení, ale jiné úrovně:
Donald Trump’s Aura Readout
William Mistele·Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Question: I want to use the cosmic letter U meditation on Trump to show him the love he didn't seem to get growing up... do you think that's the best letter to use for him? Or is there another combination that you think would bring him more healing?

Disclaimer: I observe that very advanced psychic/spiritual people can have completely opposite views on politicians. This does not bother me. I do not really hold ideas in my head though I use ideas to communicate. In any case, it is not how I read his aura but rather what I suggest doing for him—which relates to the above question—that is important. But I would humbly suggest if you think Trump is a racist, idiot, stupid, demagogue, subhuman--I think you are in for a real shock by labeling him in familiar terms. This man is not even human and comparing him to other humans is a very great mistake.

My first impression of Trump from a few years back is that he would sell his name to some building project (like one in Waikiki) that would then go bankrupt. He pockets the money but does not stay around to check if his name is being used to give people a false sense of trust—namely that Donald Trump is somehow involved with the project. He is not. And for other reasons he goes bankrupt but manages like a Phoenix to rise from the ashes. In other words, I did not notice anything unusual for entrepreneurs of his type. Little did I suspect--

Donald Trump’s Outer Aura: I read an aura for one girl who I said, “The four elements in your aura are too vast for any planet in this solar system. You are from a planet circling another star. And you can sense people for miles around yourself.” She agreed with me and always knew this about herself. Children also become telepathic around her.

In a similar way, the elements in Donald Trump’s aura are too vast for any planet in this solar system. He is not from the above girl’s home world but a similar, massive super gas giant. Consciousness there is vast and expansive.

I myself can track and place my mind in individual hurricanes because on earth hurricanes come along one by one. On Donald’s home world, those beings are aware of five to ten hurricanes at the same time. It is just how things work there.

Inner Aura: The four elements in Donald’s aura. Again, the four elements are massive. The fire element comes through now in his sense of self-promotion. He does things in a big way, as big as he can get away with. It is not the normal human sense of will power as in “I will accomplish this” or “I will right wrongs.”

Rather the word I would use over and over to describe him is “overwhelming.” This is normal for his race. They reflect the vastness and wild streams of energy of their atmosphere in themselves. But it does make it quite difficult for the news media, commentators, and political opponents to grasp what they are up against.

What does he do for feeling? He owns and operates a Miss USA Beauty Pageant. It is kind of like—“What do you people do on this planet earth to express feeling, warmth, affection, and beauty? Oh. I know—I will surround myself with beautiful women and in this way I will observe close up what drives your feelings and inspires you to act.”

This sounds odd but on his home world feeling is naturally expressed not through affection and tenderness but through exuberance and exhilaration. He is just trying to get through the day as best he can like any other starseed from a planet quite unlike earth.

The air element in his aura functions in terms of “Let’s take a look at everything going on all at once. Examine every side and aspect. And then we brainstorm for solutions.” This open mindedness and brainstorming—considering all solutions and possibilities—and problem solving you will not find to this degree in any other politician on earth. How could they match him in the air element? None are from such massively vast planets.

The earth element in his aura is where his karma lies. He has a powerful sense and deeply enjoys making deals as in “Let’s get the job done.” But he has no internal quality controls as in Virgo—“Let’s get it right the first time.” Like many politicians and big businessmen, he does not get inside of things and find the best solutions. He just finds solutions and goes with the best that is presented to him at the time. (More on this).

Outer Aura Personality: People, that is businessmen, competitors, and political opponents, are confused by the “turbulence” in his presence. He unleashes whirling energy at others that comes at them from all directions. The opposition is not used to someone whose actions and negotiations appear so unscripted and wild involving far more variables and elements--unpredictability--than they are used to encountering.

You could say he “cheats” in that he has plays in his playbook that no one has run into before. But again this is just how things work where he is from. You take into account what is before you, behind you, above you, below you, and from beyond the horizon in all directions.

Inner Personality: Donald needs problems and conflicts in order to focus. In other words, he needs something out of balance so he can step in and re-balance it. Otherwise, like many starseeds, he does not really know what he is doing on this planet. No agenda and no purpose.

Akashic body: Deep inside, Donald Trump has a little bit of Napoleon about him. It is his inner nature to extend his influence to the entire world. He certainly has not done that with his businesses yet but it is there waiting for the opportunity to unfold. In other words, he is big inside.

Karma: Now this part is pretty straight forward. Unlike Bill Gates with Microsoft or Zuckerberg (or whoever invented Facebook), Trump does not invent new things. And he is not like Warren Buffett who takes something good and improves upon it. Trump succeeds by overwhelming others.

In solving problems, he has a natural ability to take in many points of view and shift through them for what will work and that can be applied immediately. This is his great strength and also his great weakness.

But there is nothing unusual here. Most politicians are completely brain dead when it comes to solving problems. They have been bought by lobbyists and donors and they over and over blindly try to apply obsolete party doctrines to solve present day problems. Trump, you could say, is more pragmatic. That is why his own Republican party despises him. He actually looks around for solutions whether they are politically correct or not.

So Trump’s karmic problem, like all politicians on earth, is to embody this: “I can provide solutions to problems that not only work in the short term but which have such effective internal controls they only get better and more valuable over time.”

In other words, Donald Trump needs to put off to the side that whirlwind brainstorming way he examines current solutions to a problem; he has to stop his thinking and surveying and get inside the problem and ask,

“What will make this actually work in the best way possible?”

At this point with enough pure mental clarity he will be able to think new things that have not been thought before and invent new solutions that actually change the world.

Since you have already said to me in the past that humans should offer more solutions to their leaders, this is something you can do for him by joining your mind with his and providing him with this clarity of perception.

This is the cosmic letter U on the mental plane: it is that clarity of mind, that open stillness, from which all thoughts arise, sustains all brain waves, and provides all solutions and plans of action.

Now there are many problems: healthcare, military and other homeless, racism, police brutality, refugee screening process, foreign policy, job creation, tax reform, alternative energy, debt, lending, and monetary policy, education, land and water rights, fracking, GMOs, identity thief and regulation of the internet, etc., etc.

But what does not help is for one party—Republican or Democrat or politicians with self-serving and narrow minded ideas in their heads to ram through their agendas without actually solving the problem at hand. Healthcare is a huge issue. The Democrats are so right to pursue it. People desperately need health care.

But where are Pelosi’s and Reid’s and Obama’s brains when they pass a massive health care package without one Republican in Congress voting for it? What do they expect to happen if and when the Republicans regain control of Congress and have a Republican president? Where is that “reaching across the isle” that Obama promised you and me?

Politicians are not our leaders. They are our employees. They are hired to find solutions to problems. And the solutions they find desperately need to be tested and to have internal controls so that these solutions become more effective and valuable over time. This is not happening. So Trump simply has the same problem. These politicians desperately need you and me and others to assist them to do what they are hired to do.

Trump’s childhood need for love: Now on many worlds with planetary civilizations, as you must know, love as it exists on earth is not present. There is no “I love you” as in “We have a very special bond, are close to each other, inside of each other, and there for each other in a unique and near hypnotic way—cherishing and caring for each other beyond all others.”

If you want to give that to Trump you can. Again, just become one with him and let him know on some level—“I am here for you, no holds barred, loving you with all my heart.” After all, isn’t this what men and women are supposed to do for each other anyway? It is as natural as breathing air.
Je to odsudek podle tebe nebo ne? Pokud je to pravda, tak to, co vyrobil výše uvedený amatér obsahuje fatální chybu. A pokud je tam jeden fatál, tak je velmi pravděpodobné, že tam bude i další.

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